Loose words will damage your reputation

Written by Stewart Pimbley|13th May 2019


Loose words online can cost a business or organisation dearly in terms of reputation and profit. In recent years staff policies and contracts have adapted to cover staff use of facebook and twitter (or at least tried to keep up with the ever changing social media landscape) – in bid to prevent staff sharing sensitive

Loose words online can cost a business or organisation dearly in terms of reputation and profit. In recent years staff policies and contracts have adapted to cover staff use of facebook and twitter (or at least tried to keep up with the ever changing social media landscape) – in bid to prevent staff sharing sensitive information online. One thing often overlooked are messaging services such as Whatsapp.

Frequently teams set these up to share information (perfect for staff working shifts/different sites etc) but what controls are in place to prevent a sensitive message finding its ways to someone out of the group. Businesses need to be clear about the rules of operating such messaging groups and recognise the risks and limitations. It is good to chat but not at the risk of damaging your reputation.


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